R.N. B.S. ——课程


RNBS 3100 | Introduction Baccalaureate Nursing Practice | 3 credits | 8 wks

This course will introduce the student to caring theory, 反思性实践, and whole person nursing practice. Students will learn about nursing history, contemporary issues impacting nursing and health care today, 人的幸福, 终身学习, 职业价值观, and communication in professional nursing practice. Interprofessional collaborative practice is introduced in this course.

RNBS 3250 | Health Assessment | 3 credits | 8 wks

本课程将向学生介绍在整体框架下对个人的综合评估.  Students will utilize the nursing history and physical examination as well as develop精神, 性, 精神, 文化, 精神评估.  Basic skills of inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation will be learned or reviewed.  Modification of comprehensive assessment for specific age will be explored.  学生将考虑他们从新手到专家护士的发展,并研究护理诊断的发展和通过管理式护理应用护理过程的当代方法.  当学生考虑他/她的个人护理哲学时,将介绍几个理论框架.  This course will include laboratory activities in addition to the online group work.

RNBS 3300 | Quality and Safety in Healthcare | 3 credits | 8 wks

本课程为护士在医疗保健和实践环境中从事质量和安全活动做好准备.  Students use knowledge from biological sciences, 社会科学, 物理科学, and humanities to develop skill in improving the quality and 安全 in health care delivery, ultimately improving health care outcomes for diverse individuals, groups and communities with consideration given to healthcare disparities.  Students will learn the value of systems thinking with a focus on teamwork and collaboration, 质量改进, 安全, 医疗标准, and informatics for improving outcomes in health care settings.  Students will complete 16 hours of clinical practice experience.  在本课程中,将确定一个质量改进项目作为顶点项目的基础.

RNBS 3400 | Evidence-Based Practice 在护理 | 3 credits | 8 wks

本课程提供了循证实践的基础概述和对最佳证据文献的批判性评估. 该课程旨在教授循证实践技能,使RN-BS学生能够对现有的与改善护理有关的文献进行评估. Students learn to formulate clinical questions in an answerable format, 搜索 for and identify best evidence, and appraise that evidence for rigor and applicability to a practice problem. Basic principles of scientific inquiry, quantitative and qualitative re搜索 methods, 研究伦理, and protection of human subjects are introduced. Students will complete an eight-hour practice experience. 本课程将以文献回顾结束,以支持作为顶点项目基础的质量改进倡议.

RNBS 4200 | Clinical Judgment and Decision Making | 3 credits | 8 wks

This course reinforces the patho生理学 of disease processes and pharmacological therapies. The course focuses on the physiological changes, 临床表现, and pharmacological therapies used to affect the disease process.  本课程整合了解剖学。, 生理学, 化学, 微生物学, 并为疾病和药物治疗药物的研究提供药理学基础,重点是在给药和安全性方面应用于临床实践.  本课程的重点是用于治疗活动能力改变的个体的药物治疗, 消除, 氧化, 免疫力, 新陈代谢系统.

RNBS 4300 | Emerging Trends in 护理的领导 | 3 credits | 8 wks

本课程将为护理学生提供在各种医疗保健环境中领导和管理护理的知识和技能.  An exploration of leadership theories, 领导者的影响力, 团队建设, 情商, 道德, and healthy work culture are included.  The student will acquire multiple leadership skills such as decision making, 代表团, 解决冲突, 宣传, performance appraisals and managing budgetsThe impact of healthcare policy and politics on health care is explored and discussed.  学生将参加总共16小时的领导实践经验,并制定在实践环境中领导实践变革项目的计划.

RNBS 4400 | Population Health | 3 credits | 8 wks

Population Health is an eight-week time-shortened course with 2.5 credits of classroom learning, and 0.临床学习5学分.  Population health includes community and public health nursing and all facets there within.  社区和公共卫生护理在护理理念和范围上不同于急性护理环境.  在本课程中, 学生将专注于学士学位准备护士在社区和公共卫生环境中的作用.  Epidemiology and its application to community health will be examined and explored.  There will be opportunity to learn about families in 社区/public health settings.  课程中有机会让学生通过自学来应用课堂上学到的知识, 社区注册护士评估, and the discovery of community agencies or resources within 社区.

RNBS 4550 | Capstone Experience | 3 credits | 8 wks

Students will complete 45 hours of clinical practice experience.  在这段经历中, 学生将综合在课程中获得的知识和能力,使用循证方法实施和评估特定于实践环境的改进项目.  课程将以学术报告和作品集结束,以展示学生使用循证实践的能力, 绩效改进原则和领导技能,以有效地管理医疗保健环境中的变化.

HUMN 3020 | Humanities: A Whole Person Approach | 3 credits | 8 wks

This course is designed to foster knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the Humanities through literature and the arts. 学生被鼓励反思自己的生活对-à-vis问题提出的散文和诗歌指定, 视频和讲座材料, 以及课堂讨论. 犹太教和基督教的观点提供了一个框架,在这个框架内,美高梅mgm平台可以审视与美高梅mgm平台生活的世界有关的个人经历.

HUMN 3010 | History and Philosophy of Adult 学习 | 3 credits | 8 wks

学习, 正式的和非正式的, is a lifelong process that occurs in the workplace, 社区, 教会, 这个家庭, 还有教室.  本课程向学生介绍成人教育领域,使他们熟悉在哲学框架内指导成人教育实践的信念和假设.  学生将使用David Kolb体验式学习模型来分析他们在特定学科领域的学习和应用,并将提交展示学习的论文,以评估学分.

MATH 2400 | Elementary Statistics | 3 credits | 8 wks

This course will introduce the student to some of the basic concepts of descriptive and inferential, 包括频率分布, 图, 数字摘要, 概率分布, 置信区间, one and two-sample hypothesis tests for means, 相关与回归, 卡方测试, 方差分析.


PHIL 2202 |个人价值观 & 生物伦理学| 3学分| 8周

本课程将帮助学生更好地了解自己的价值观以及这些价值观与专业活动的关系. 所涵盖的主题包括最有影响力和最有用的伦理和正义理论,这些理论可以应用于学生自己的生活,也可以应用于护理专业中出现的伦理情况和困境. Students will engage in values clarification, create a personal system of 道德, learn a step-by-step ethical decision-making process, 并将这些应用于护士在临床病例和其他工作场合遇到的各种问题和冲突. 


Prior learning credit opportunities are available according to each student's individually designed academic plan.

Four weeks of break are interspersed throughout the program.


卫生管理硕士.S. -卫生管理硕士课程是一门创新和现代的健康管理和商业课程,旨在为学生提供医疗和卫生服务管理所需的技能. Working professionals can complete this degree in just 18 months, 1 night a week or 100% online!
护理教育硕士.S. 护理教育硕士课程以护理科学为基础,重点是提高大学工作所需的临床和循证教学技能, 大学, 以及临床环境. Working RN's can complete this degree in just 20 months, 1 night a week or 100% online!
护理的领导 & 管理、米.S. - The Master's in 护理的领导 & 管理以护理科学为基础,重点关注医疗保健的商业方面, 循证实践, and the latest technological advances to develop your leadership expertise and knowledge. Working RN's can complete this degree in just 20 months, 1 night a week or 100% online!
RN到M.S. 在护理 - If you have a bachelor's degree in a discipline other than nursing, 护理学副学士学位, 以R的身份工作.N. (每周最少20小时), then this completely online RN到MS 在护理 程序 is designed for you!
Adult and 研究生 招生 - 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792(免费)- AGE-招生@罗伯茨.edu