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圣经研究协会为有兴趣发展对圣经的理解的人提供以实践为导向的教育. 课程主要包括圣经研究的入门课程, theology, 和部(36学时)结合一般课程组成部分(24学时).

该课程的毕业生将不仅为教会内外的事工做好准备, 但他们将准备继续攻读学士学位,并有可能进入研究生阶段. This will be a fully online, degree-completion program.

圣经研究协会为有兴趣发展对圣经的理解的人提供以实践为导向的教育.以下课程代表圣经研究学位的36个学分, but 60 credits are required to earn an associate's degree. Therefore, in addition to completing the Biblical Studies courses, 要获得圣经研究副学士学位还需要额外的24个学分. 这些“额外”学分可以来自各种来源, like previous college credits earned (C- or above), Roberts courses, credit for life and work experiences, 以前的学习评估,如生活学习论文(llp), DSST/CLEP exams, Military Transcripts, and other approved training. 每个申请人都将接受全面的转学分评估(TCE)和个性化的详细毕业计划. 该课程允许学生将学分转入课程或零学分开始.

BIBL 1000 - Journey through the Bible

本课程使学生能够深入探索旧约和新约叙事中的具有挑战性的圣经段落. 重点是学习讲述和应用圣经中的各种故事的方式是忠实于他们的规范背景.

BIBL 1500 - Biblical Studies Workshop

这个实践课程介绍了圣经解释的各种技能, including basic literary, historical, and linguistic tools.

MINS 1010 - Mission of God

本课程介绍了在圣经和教会历史的神学结构中参与上帝对世界的使命的实践方面. 学生被教导批判性和建设性地反思在各种情况下的任务实践,并将所获得的经验教训应用到自己的环境中.

MINS 2011- Biblical Leadership

This course is a biblical-theological study of leadership. 涵盖的主题包括决策和领导的困难, the relationship between personality and leadership style, and the tension between leading and serving.

THEO 2700 - Biblical Theology and Spiritual Formation

本课程向学生介绍基督教关于信仰本质的一些主要观点, God, Jesus, and creation. 学生将在他们的古代和现代背景下探索这些思想,同时发展他们的神学思维能力. In this hands-on course, 学生将学习和实践各种精神学科,并学会在对上帝的坚定的圣经神学理解的忠实框架内理解这种做法.

THEO 2701 - Biblical Grace and Salvation

本课程向学生介绍耶稣基督的拯救工作. The course focuses on Jesus Christ, the doctrine of atonement, the Holy Spirit, the doctrine of salvation, 从末世论的角度看教会救赎的实现. 学生将在他们的古代和现代背景下探索这些思想,同时发展他们的神学思维能力.

THEO 2800 - Biblical Theology of Creation


THEO 2900 - Biblical Ethics

In this course, 学生学习伦理决策的圣经神学系统,并将所学应用于当代社会的伦理和社会问题的分析, including abortion, affirmative action, capital punishment, cloning, constitutional freedoms, euthanasia, pacifism and just war, and extreme poverty.

PHIL 2101 - Ministry to the Doubting

学生学习如何有效地与非信徒和基督徒谁正在经历他们的信仰怀疑互动, through study, 讨论和练习(角色扮演和/或与有疑问的客人互动). 学生们学习如何论证基督教信仰的合理性, and how it is that we can know that Christ is real. 这样做的基础是将个体作为具有背景的整体来理解, emotions, desires, and biases. 学生们努力在与他人的互动中发展和表达基于爱的智力和精神谦卑的美德. The class covers direct ways of knowing, theistic and Christian arguments, challenges to theistic and Christian belief, and resources for responding to these challenges. 它也解决了教友们经常纠结的教义问题的各种方法.

BIBL 2060 Torah: Creation and Liberation

这门课程是对旧约前五卷书的研究. By examining selected passages, students explore Israel's view of origins, the national genesis and early history, God's will for Israel and the world, and the regulations for worship. 重点是放在各种形式的文学,在摩西五经代表的检查, 尤其是它们在形成和传达《美高梅mgm平台》的中心主题和概念方面的作用.

BIBL 2010 Synoptic Gospels

这是基于对观福音书对耶稣生平的研究. 美高梅mgm平台将特别考虑耶稣的教导和行动与他的身份和目的之间的关系. 关于福音书记载的相似性和互补性的文本问题将被探讨. 对观福音书和约翰福音之间的关系是次要考虑的. 先决条件:BIBL 1010和1020或教师的许可. (Offered alternate years)

BIBL 3040 Pauline Letters: Apostle to the Nations

A study of the letters of the Apostle to the Gentiles, this course explores Paul's thought in its context. 美高梅mgm平台将特别关注保罗书信中反复出现的问题和神学主题. Prerequisites: BIBL 1010, 1020和一个2000级的新约BIB课程或导师的许可. (Offered alternate years)

BIBL 3010 Prophets and Politics

本课程考察以色列先知书中的精选段落. 它将展示这些段落独特的风格和形式, their theological emphases, and their responses to the historical crises. 先决条件:BIBL 1010和1020或讲师的许可. (Offered alternate years)

Adult and Graduate Admissions - 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792 (toll free) -