



诊所主任, 临床医生, 授权主管, 心理学系主席和传统本科/研究生项目联合主任, 心理学教授

Dr. Repass专门研究学校心理学, 拥有超过15年的学校工作经验. 她 earned her Doctorate in School Psychology from Alfred University and is a Licensed Psychologist as well as Psychology Department Chair, 教授, 兼项目联合主任.

Specific areas of expertise are in assessment and 诊断 with primary specialties in areas of learning and behavior, 社会情感关注及其对学习的影响, 自闭症, 资优学习行为, 发育障碍, 智障人士, 加工障碍和循证干预.

Dr. Repass has been dedicated to the work of understanding the learning needs of children throughout her career. 她 is committed to better understanding some of the hardest to answer child and adolescent difficulties in hopes of providing better support to children, 家庭, 和学校. 她欢迎与家庭学校家庭建立合作关系的机会, 私立和特许学校, P-12公立学校. 


Jennifer Aube博士

诊所咨询主任, 临床医生, 授权主管, Department of Psychology PsyD Program Director and Traditional Undergraduate/Graduate Program Co-Director, 心理学教授

Dr. Aube在麦吉尔大学获得临床心理学博士学位. 她 is a Licensed Psychologist as well as 心理学教授 and Doctoral Program Director at Roberts Wesleyan University. 她有超过25年提供评估的经验, 诊断, 以及各种环境下的治疗服务, 包括大学咨询, 私人诊所, 门诊, 和医院.

Dr. 奥布有治疗各种成人心理问题的经验, 包括抑郁症, 焦虑, 调整困难, 悲伤, 和创伤. 她的工作对象是那些正在经历生活压力事件的人, 人际关系中的困难, 损失, 以及他们生活中的挑战, and who seek to better understand themselves and develop new skills to manage these challenges more effectively. 她 has a special interest in providing a space for those who wish to incorporate their Christian faith into the therapy process to become emotionally and spiritually healthy.

Dr. 奥布认为与那些正在挣扎的人合作是一种荣幸. 她的目标是为客户提供一个可以被倾听、理解和接受的地方. 她 works collaboratively to help clients gain a better understanding of their problems and to commit to actions that will improve their lives.

Karen Reber LCSW-R

Karen Reber, LCSW-R


Karen Reber earned her undergraduate degree in Business Administration from Roberts Wesleyan University as well as her master’s degree in Clinical Social Work, 还有额外的心理治疗执照. 她 has recently returned to RWU to support the Psychology Department as Director of Field Education, 和西区心理服务中心作为夫妻和家庭治疗方面的临床医生.

她 returns to Roberts after extensive work as a clinic therapist at a community mental health clinic in Orleans County, where she had the opportunity to work with a variety of clients within the clinic and at two satellite offices, 在他们当地的高中和初中. 她多年的经验与不同年龄的人有关, 背景, and severity of mental health struggles give her a unique insight and ability to assist clients.

凯伦认为与人同行是一种荣幸, 夫妻, and 家庭 as they work to improve their daily function and better manage the challenges that come along. Karen is passionate about building a therapeutic relationship with her clients and providing a supportive environment to allow for 增长 和改变.



Dr. 库珀在美高梅mgm平台(Roberts Wesleyan University)获得本科和研究生培训, 包括她在学校/临床心理学的博士学位. Dr. Cooper currently serves as an Assistant 心理学教授 at Roberts Wesleyan University. 她 is also employed as a behavior therapist at Genesee Valley Institute of Psychology where she received specialized training in treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders. Dr. Cooper’s previous clinical experience includes the role of school psychologist where she worked primarily with preschool and elementary school-aged children.

Dr. Cooper is passionate about providing a safe and inclusive space for her clients to explore thoughts, 感受和行为,以达到治疗效果, 增长, 和改变.


作为博士培训诊所, 西区心理服务中心 serves as a practicum site for the PsyD program at Roberts Wesleyan University. Our widely diverse and exceptional doctoral candidates perform the majority of evaluations and therapeutic services at the clinic, 在有执照的教师的密切监督下, 博士后临床医生, 和工作人员. 这种模式使美高梅mgm平台能够保持低收费, 同时为大罗切斯特社区及其他地区提供优质服务. 

蒂安娜D 'Aries

蒂安娜D 'Aries


Tia really enjoys working with 青少年 还有年轻人 who are having a difficult time adjusting to challenging times in their lives. 她的一些临床兴趣包括个人挑战和关系困难. 




Therapy is a passion of Bri's and she loves to be a support for all ages as they go through the everyday challenges of life. 她的一些兴趣包括抑制问题, 冲动, 以及情绪调节方面的困难. 




克里斯汀热衷于帮助人们度过人生的转折期. 她对帮助神经分化儿童及其家庭特别感兴趣, with a deep understanding of the unique needs and complexities they face at 首页 and in school. 她运用了一种同理心, 以客户为中心的方法,帮助她的客户面对生活中的所有挑战.




Yoscaira 戈麦斯 会两种语言(西班牙语 & English) doctoral candidate clinician who is passionate about nurturing 增长 and healing in children and 青少年 through Creative Therapy, 游戏治疗, 认知行为治疗, 和行动. 




生活有时充满挑战,但美高梅mgm平台在这里帮助你. Ray enjoys working with people from all walks of life with an array of difficulties and is looking forward to transforming the world together. 




Mat's 10+ years of experience in special education as a behavior specialist has given him a wide range of skills related to behavioral management in children 还有年轻人 with a variety of complex disabilities. He is also passionate about helping individuals of all ages overcome mental obstacles related to trauma and everyday life experiences.




贝利喜欢与各个年龄段的人一起工作, 但对儿童的治疗和心理评估特别感兴趣, 青少年, 还有年轻人. Her experiences have prepared her to work with youth who experience a range of challenges at school, 首页, 和玩耍. 她 解决一系列情绪和行为问题,包括抑郁症, 焦虑, 悲伤, 自尊, 对立违抗性障碍, 注意缺陷/多动障碍, 自闭症谱系障碍, 还有强迫症. 贝利的方法是实用的、好奇的和有意的. 她 believes it is an honor to do this work and looks forward to partnering with clients and their 家庭.



Ava is passionate about the transformative power of therapy and its ability to bring positive change in people's lives. Ava的方法是包容和体贴的,欢迎所有年龄段的客户. 她 places a high value on providing tailored support that specifically acknowledges and addresses each client's unique challenges.





凯利在纽约州立大学布罗克波特分校获得了生物和化学学士学位. Previously a senior technical associate in a prestigious biomedical genetics research lab for 15 years, 凯利已经把她的注意力转向了家庭和其他兴趣.

毕生热爱行政支持工作, Kelly has embraced her admin role assisting the department of Psychology as well as 西区心理服务中心 with billing, 调度, 以及其他操作需求.

凯利个人对整体健康很感兴趣, 并理解精神健康宣传的重要性. 她很高兴能够通过她的诊所角色来支持更大的罗切斯特社区.

Dr. 谢丽尔再经过, 585年诊所主任.594.6720 - wps@罗伯茨.edu